Sunday, October 25, 2009

Test Drive #3 - Podcasts & Audio

A Podcast (Personal On Demand broadCAST) is a non-music audio recording accessible through the internet. The unique benefit of this type of broadcast is its availability anywhere, anytime. Pocasts can be produced by anyone with a microphone and or videocamera, computer and internet connection. Also anyone with an ipod, Mp3 player, internet capable computer and or phone, can listen to a podcast.

When I was studying at Uni through distance education, podcasts of learning topics were common and useful to absorb information easily. It also made a change from gaining knowledge through the reading of words from paper or screen!


I listened to Matthew Liebmann, a speaker at the Library of the 21st Century Symposium, through the State Library of Victoria website as a podcast. He spoke about the "Rise of the Lifestyle Media" in terms of the revolution of technology today that allows people to access information anywhere, anyhow. He mentioned that 60% of teens have created their own online content, which would include podcasts. You can access his talk here:


I searched for library podcasts to get an idea of how other libraries are using podcasts to reach their customers and/or staff. I found the State Library of NSW podcasts simple to listen to and interesting. The one I liked the best was Tom Keneally speaking about his book "Schindler's List". You can listen to him here: of authors speaking about their works is a great idea for libraries to capture a litereary event for all to experience, after the event at a time that suits them. For staff, podcasts could be produced for training, which could be accessed at a time appropriate for them.

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