Sunday, November 22, 2009

Test Drive #6 - Videos Online

Technology has come a long way recently with respect to online videos. Access has improved with cheaper video cameras (Hand-held and phone), faster broadband and thanks to free video hosting sites such as You Tube. I have become very familiar with You Tube through taking part in Licence to Test Drive as many of the educational videos are located there.

Also as part of my job as a librarian, I have recommended that clients access You Tube to gain the information they require as we did not have it in the library. For example, recently I recommended You Tube to a mother looking to find an audio copy of the Fijian National Anthem for her child's school assignment.


I have uploaded a You Tube video to this blog "I Love the Library". Although it has an American focus, it still portrays a typical Australian public library, like the one I work in!

Test Drive #5 - More Google

Just when you think you know Google, you discover that there is more!

Google Translate


I had a go at translating the NLA website into French. It was very simple to do so. This feature of Google would be very useful for non-english speaking/reading library clients! They would be able to access any online information including the library catalogue in their own language!

Google Books

Books online for free! Where a book is out of copyright or permission has been given, you are able to read these books for free, anywhere, anytime!


I searched Google Books and found Alice in Wonderland in full view mode. I was able to read each page clearly as well as the illustrations.


Personalisation of your Google home page could not be easier! This would be useful for libraries as added features like calendars advertising library events could be added.

Google Calendar


This free online calendar would be useful for library staff to keep track of important dates and be able to share them with colleagues.

Google Maps

I created a Google Map and have embedded it previously onto this blog. It shows the location of my two local libraries.