Saturday, May 16, 2009

Test Drive #5 - RSS Feeds

Keeping a track of all the websites of interest through RSS Feeds is wonderful. As a librarian, keeping up to date with local, state, national and world news is essential to be able to relate to clients' needs for information. In a public library especially, news that is public knowledge will be the topic of conversation with clients every day. Therefore it is important in providing the best service possible, to be clear about the facts of the issue and remain non-judgemental.

After watching the always comical Commoncraft Video about RSS Feeds, I went on to add several sites to my Google Reader including: OPAL Training, John Oxley Library, ABS Statistically speaking and the ABC News. I have also been subscribing to other fellow SLQ Licence to Test Drive bloggers from the start and enjoy keeping up with their adventures in cyberspace too! I quite enjoyed the Libraries Interact blog for Australian Library Blogs. This includes blogs of individuals and libraries to cover most topics of interest and they are relevant to Australians.

Libraries would find adding an RSS Feed to their websites and blogs advantageous as the more computer/internet savvy clients could access updates to the sites easily. However, unless a client is capable of accessing the internet, RSS Feeds would be of little use.

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